Central AZ CSS Meeting
Well, I am deep in preparation for the upcoming event for the Central Arizona Cactus and Succulent Society on Sunday August 25 at 2:00 PM at the Desert Botanical Garden in Dorrance Hall. While the topic is my Top 5 Favorite Agaves I am still deciding which ones those are, and debating whether or not I can actually keep it down to only 5! My favorites vary from day to day, sometimes even hour to hour, just depending on my mood. I was working in the nursery this morning and, without naming names, spotted a couple that look absolutely fabulous in pots as well as in a landscape. So now I have myself wondering if those will make it in to the talk? You will just have to come out on Sunday to find out. I will have plants and books for sale, and will give a free 3 inch potted plant (my choice) to the first person to ask, during the talk, to name one of the plants I am alluding to.
Here are a few pictures to whet your appetite. Hmmmmm, I wonder if any of these will be featured.

A beautiful blue gray form of Agave wocomahi in Chihuahua.

Agave parryi in juniper woodland of Chihuahua

A toothy Agave avellanidens in Baja California

What is this? An Agave albopilosa! Could this crack the top 5?
Posted in: Upcoming Events
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