
Plants will be shipped bareroot (without soil).

Shop agaves, cacti, books and more for sale in Starr Nursery’s online catalog. Whether you are an experienced grower looking to fill some way cool decorative pots with unusual agaves or cacti, an amateur enthusiast looking to pick up a few plants or expand your knowledge of low water use plants, or add to your backyard landscape with some of the coolest xerophytic plants out there, we are sure to have your needs covered. Our online store has over 100 species for sale, browse Agaves, Astrophytums, Echinocactus, Echinocereus, Ferocactus, Yuccas, Books, and more.

Shop conveniently through our online store and you can even check out securely through PayPal, no account necessary. Plants are sold by the pot size in which they are growing, for example a 3-inch is in a pot that is 3-inches by 3-inches measured at the top of the pot. The plant will not necessarily be 3-inches across.



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