Agave geminiflora 6-inch


Agave geminiflora is a non-offsetting species in habitat, but in cultivation some will occasionally produce offsets from the leaf axils after flowering. Plants will ultimately grow to about 30-36 inches tall by 30-36 inches across and are composed of numerous, thin, rounded leaves. The website has habitat photos while the website has shots of plants in cultivation. While the plant pictured is in a 3-inch pot, those available are now in 6-inch pots.

2 in stock



Agave geminiflora has numerous, narrow leaves, much like strands of spaghetti, with no teeth along the edges, but instead having fine, white threads and a small terminal spine. Plants make great container specimens in regions where winter temperatures drop below 20 degrees F.

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3 inch, 6 inch, 7 inch


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