Hello and welcome to the totally revamped and updated website for Starr Nursery, delivering us from the dark ages of computing (otherwise known as the 1990’s) and ushering us into the 21st century. Whether you are new to the website or a longtime visitor, we hope you will find it useful. Keep up to date with field trips, new plants and upcoming events including sales and speaking engagements.
Please take a moment to check out all that the revamped site has to offer including a totally new and streamlined online store (the whole inventory will take a while to add, so check back often or send an email if there is something you are looking for), the Awesome Agave Blog, where we post thoughts and updates from the wide-world of cacti and succulents, and a convenient calendar of upcoming events that Starr Nursery will participate in.
We hope you enjoy the new site, and since it is still in its infancy, please contact us if you find a bug or broken links. Thanks, and happy planting.
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Totally awesome. You and Brian did a great job!
Love Mom
Congratulations! for the New Wedsite! Mr.Starr Really enjoy all your plant! They absolutely healthy and beautiful!
How do you hug an agave and not get stuck by any thorns?
Very carefully!
greg, just stumbled upon the blog and updated website…..good job! question……..how do i sign up for automatic email blog updates? most of my agaves look really well this summer in spite of the extreme amount of rain and cool/mild temps this summer here in georgia. this may turn out to be the wettest summer on record before all is said and done. agaves are pretty amazing plants when you get down to it! great blog!! randy
Hi Randy, to subscribe to the blog, go to the blog page, click on the “Follow Awesome Agave Blog” link on the right hand side of the page, and then you should be able to subscribe to the feed.
New site is perfect! You should be proud of your effort.
Very cool Greg, Its Like I always tell you, Your the man. Great Photo.
Thanks Martin,
I’ve been adding products, but that can be very time consuming.
Hi, was wondering what species of Agave that was your hugging?
That is Agave guadalajarana
I like the compact rosette and the interesting leaf shape, will you offer these anytime coming up for sale?
I found an A. guadalajarana at Arid lands greenhouses in Tucson